Manicures and Mochas


This weekend was supposed to be a thrilling adventure of carving and bruising my bum. Instead, it was fancy voyage of pampering and drinking delicious coffee. I consider myself a summer in the Rockies kind of girl. The girl who hikes, canoes, and explores the mountains. I’ve never been one to ski or snowboard. But, I wanted to learn. And I was going to. But, things don’t always go quite the way you planned.


So, instead of packing up and hauling all my newly purchased snowboarding gear to some ski hill, I packed up and hauled my camera out to Cochrane for a lovely afternoon with my best girl.



I’d like to take this opportunity to brag about our friendship. It’s really sweet. We have been friends for 22 years. (For context, I’m 24.) Our dads were pals, and our moms were besties. And every year, we would pack up the car, drive the 4-5 hours to Fairmont Hot Springs for a long weekend of crazy fun. This is where the two of us learned how to play tennis – badly. And play mini golf – badly. And beach volleyball – again, badly. Neither of us were very athletic growing up. Ten years of some of the best memories I’ve made, save for the New Year’s Eve party where there was a PG version of table dancing and karaoke to a certain Lizzie McGuire movie.

Fast forward to present day…she still rocks and kicks butt every day. And she likes to brunch with me. Which is what all friends should do. And, there may or may not be a recreation of said NYE performance.

This is just a little snapshot of our day.









XO | britt